26 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba

Sciencefiction-Futurology Praxis of Asgardia

Asgardia was a sciencefiction story on September 10th, 2016 and was a futurology pdoject on September 15th.
Similar examples existed in history. Cape Canevarel’s place and Nautilius’ name came from Jules Verne’s novels into reality.
And also opposite way (time reversible maker) project existed: Holland Flood Control was a diseaster controlling simulation as a serious game. It will be used in the future.
There are many examples of space states in sciencefiction.
Asgardia became a moment by moment to have been created (and also still being created) project. So it may copy or use all examples.
Asgardia will go on in 2 pieces, one on Earth, on in space. Piece on Earth may use history data base, piece in space may use examples above.
Praxis of both pieces will be very interesting mind experiment even in the moment being created.

(October 26 th, 2016)

Asgardia-Earth Relations

It was asked that Asgardia’s defence policy would be defensive of offensive in the Asgardia’s official page.
To be offensive means to be (after USA, Russia, and China) the fourth military power. It will be too expensive and citizens will not accept it.
To have a peaceful defensive system seems better.
Asgardia may find any land piece to buy from any country. There are also no man’s lands. There are also volcanic islands in the oceans newly formed.
So Asgardia will be in 2 pieces: One in space and one on Earth. Piece in space will be a modular space station like ISS. Piece on Earth will be governing center and will regulate relations with UN and other states.
Being a new state is not problem because of new states come continously. Procedure needed entering into UN is clear.
After accepted into UN, Asgardia make build space station. International laws say so.
After all this, Asgardia will be any other country.
I think that founder and administrators of Asgardia know these and will use this way.

(October 26th, 2016)

Political Timing of Asgardia Project

Declaration of this project has been at a very critical historical moment. USA and Russia is near a war in Syria. They had made to make wars many countries between themselves. This may be probably the same. Asgardia may be one of it.
Ashurbeyli as a Russian citizen in Putin Russia should or must know it. Putin knew his project and does not allow something against Russia’s benefits.
But the same is true for USA. Clinton or Trump, candidates of the next USA presidency, would not allow it to a USA citizen.
So something sounds weird. We will learn the cause of this weirdness in the next months.
It is sure that Asgardia is not a romantic and idealist utopia dream.

(October 23rd, 2016)

Defence Policy of Asgardia: Published in Internet Version

A quotation from Asgardia’s official page:
“Asgardia has an idea of protecting Earth from Asteroid. Can Asgardia protect Earth from Missile War?
In this The National Interest, then USA vs Russia will become Asgardia vs (USA + Russia)
Any ideas about the first Asgardia's defensive or offensive war?”
May be it is not correct or invalid, but it is missing and lacking a lot other options.
May be 10-20 countries have intercontinental missiles. May be there are 10-20 countries having them, but we don’t know yet.
At first step, China, Brasile, and India should be included.
At second step Japan, EU countries, Pakistan, Israel should be included.
US vs Russia is a dialectics condition, as thesis and antithesis, it does not matter which one is which. When Asgardia comes, it becomes trialectics or 3 dialectics. And then there will be quadralectis, and it goes on, at last there is polialectics. Polialectics has dialectics, trialectics, quadralectics, ... , N’alectics sum.
It is like a sequences-whole with increasing numbered but in decreasing sized pieces. So sum of its total is limited. End or non-end of human kind and evolutionary roads bifurcated.
The Earth can be protected on the Earth from intercontinental and even interspace missiles, not in / from the space. A very big thought instrument mistake.
Let’s make brainstorming:
There is Asgardia. There is Russia and US. Each of them is against to each of them, ie there is triello condition and it is a very interesting IQ problem.
Who will collaborate and/or cooperate with who and vice versa?
As we know from history all of them will hit all, for example: Germany, USA, and USSR between 1940-1960. But exact / total end of game will be like in the movie WarGames. Everybody loose, end of humanity.
The question forms:
Why does Ashurbeyli like to play such a dangerous game?
Is, can, or will be Asgardia against Russia or Putin?
Is Asgardia a project against Putin and/or Obama?
Does offensive war of Asgardia mean attacking to US and / or Russia?
Is end and non-end of human kind indifferent for Asgardia projectors?
It sounds as much more public mental drill and mind game, but not a real application. A difference and interesting kind of propaganda and public relations. But this subject is too much taboo too.

 (October 22nd, 2016)

Political Philosophy of Asgardia

A quotation from Asgardia’s official pages:
“Asgardia is also unique from a philosophical aspect – to serve entire humanity and each and everyone, regardless of his or her personal welfare and the prosperity of the country where they happened to be born.”
Incorrect and invalid.
This is a concept of the Enlightenment at the age of 4 centuries. It is said also as Humanity Race, Humanity State, Humanity Culture.
Humanism is very anthropocentric. Also its human concept is rather limited. There are many unhuman accepted human beings defined by humanists like ‘beaux sauvage’.
When you use and take on responsibility for a discourse, you take on responsibility for its falsenesses and invalidities too.
Step by step we begin to see, Asgarida is going to go which way. Someone will it see now, somewill see it in notime. After this point, it is taboo.
Let’s go back the main discussion:
Rough and attractive concepts are used. But then don’t have real contexts. Appliable contexts.
Earthlings 2 was a fictive example, but unsuccessful Sphere 2 was a real example.
“The project's concept comprises three parts – philosophical, legal and scientific/technological.”
(Asgardia page.)
Legal and scientific / technological parts are very limited. We have enough data coming from the past events. But theoric conceptual framework would be Kakeya Trees, a geometric model, allowing for limit to infinite numbered behaviors in a limit to zero area.
It means 3 things:
One: Life is always limited.
Two: With 0 possibilities you can create infinite objects, but only if you have valid and applicable mental tools, ie concepts, statements, theories etc.
Three: You should /must have real life data to create an utopia or a new project.
So our main discussions will be and go on being on philosophical subjects.
Today’s proverb:
Utopias becomes dystopias when they are applied, becuase of they were not thougt to be applied, and also they were not applicable.
And added also: It goes on in this order: Theory first, practice second, praxis (synthesis of theory and practice) last.

(October 22nd, 2016)

Democracy or No-Democracy for Asgardia

Democracy is a tricky concept.
It is said that there was democracy in Antic Greek, but there were slaves also there. Slavery does not exist in democracy.
It is said that there are democracies in UE countries, but there are also kingdoms there. Kingdomship and democracy is contradictory.
Vatican is a sovereign state, plus an observer member of UN and takes taxes from all catholic populated countries. For example 10-11 US dollars from Germany every year and she has 1/3 population of atheists. This is not democratic. Because they are not asked to give it or not.
Theocracy and democracy is contradictory.
It goes on so and later after is taboo, so it is not written.
All the same for Asgardia.
Asgardia official rulers have declared a cabinet, but not a politicial system.
There will be election has been said, but except with a few exceptions, all states have election systems.
They have not said that twere will a real democratic political system in Asgardia.
(October 22nd, 2016)

Ministries of Asgardia

Is is official declaration of Asgardia:
“1. Ministry of Science
2. Ministry of Industry
3. Ministry of Space
4. Ministry of Youth and Education
5. Ministry of Integration
6. Ministry of Information and Communication
7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
8. Ministry of Trade and Commerce
9. Ministry of Finance
10. Ministry of Safety and Security
11. Ministry of Justice”
To me:
The first 3 are the same and should be 1 ministry. The name is not important.
Trade, Commerce, and Finance should be 1 ministry. The name is not important.
Safety, Security, and Justice should be 1 ministry. The name is not important.
It  makes totally 7.
It means no senate or chamber of representatives.
It sounds to me as USA’s cabinet.
It sounds like political oligarchy.
It will need non-govermental institutions also.
It will need committees also.
The cabinet should physically be on the Earth.
The cabinet may have members from non-citizens of Asgardia.
It means really separation of 3 main forces: Judicial, legislature, and executive body. And it may also separate them as citizens and non-citizens.
No other ministry command.

(October 21st, 2016)

Human Scientific Simulations and Estimations for Asgardia Space State for 2020-2050

Hardware structure is limited and certain at the beginning:

Modular structure with having 10-20 populated modules. There is no theoric limit for numbers of modules, but there is limit coming from money. My guess is about 100-150 people population at most for 2020-2050, may be till the end of 21st Century.

These modules’ people may be selected from different nations / languages or only from one. I offer to try all options to see and make social experiments / observations. There is a lot of data coming from other space stations’ history and also commune type groups on the Earth.

These communes-modules may select their governing system or accept one offered. They should be free. They will not be like astronauts, they will decide for theirselves, and they will pay it even sometimes with their lives because of problems cretaed by their decisions.

As seen on commune groups on the Earth social behaviors, it seems that they will behave something like Brownian motion to all directions. And the final panorama may be observed in limit conditions, but not in a shorter time than 30 years.

People will repeat the same human mistakes they have done on the Earth, and a few decades later they will be able to learn to create new systems and to behave newly.

A few diseasters are expected like ones in the space flight diseaster history. Also there will be at least 2 of 4 (water, food, energy, economic) macro global crisis on the Earth. There will be uncontinuities in modules’ supplying during these crises. So modules must be physically sufficient to theirselves at least for 9 months. It may be built an extra crisis module-unit.

This period is not state period, but it is proto-state period. Data coming from this period will say us whether we will succeed to stay in space or not.

I focuse on this period mostly. And then I guess the same possibilites and probabilites will be seen as in ‘5 millennia World System history’. Human species will may be to have learned to create different things from the Earth at least in many centuries in the space. It is a long futurology story, but not sciencefiction anymore.
Footnote: I am mostly interested in diseaster management in space as a serious game project, I will focus on it.

(October 21st, 2016)

State Monologue

Reha Ulku: I must remind you that state is for 1 million people living in the same atmosphere, geography, etc. A colony in the space must have isolated parts, not whole one-piece because of physical limits. So they may behave differently like in ISS modules.

Reha Ulku: There may be one thousand people in a space colony at most in the 21st Century because of technological limits. Even a few hundreds may be limit for the same period.

Reha Ulku: Ie, state may not be needed for the space colony, but it may be needed Asgardia citizens on Earth.

(October 20th, 2016)

A Questionnaire and Answers

What type/form of government do you want for Asgardia?
(feel free to add)
+22 Direct democracy
+8 representative democracy
+4 liquid democracy
+2 peoples are everyone have equal governance power on Asgardia (no government)
+2 Democratic Republic
+1 Commune type autonomy (Ben de varım, 2)
+1 Anarcho-syndicalism
+1 Robot Overlords
+1 meritocratically weighted regionally devolved direct democracy with a centralised reprosentative democracy forming an upper house.
+1 Piratocracy
Anarchy 0
Authoritarian 0


My command:

Reha Ulku: The list goes on interestingly. Democracy would have brought whatever it had if it could, in the last 2.5 millennia since Antic Greek. People halfly don't vote in G-7 countries today and still believe in democracy. Very interesting. It's like believing in a beatiful lie.

(October 19th, 2016, 19:30)

Published in unofficial Facebook group: Asgardia Politics and Diplomacy.

Triton and Dispossessed Designs: No State in the Space

Sciencefiction was the beginning of futurology and we are busy with futurology of Asgardia now.
Triton and Dispossessed was 2 novels and both were anarchists. It basicly means no state governing in the space. It is impossible to imagine this for some people, I know.

As we see in the last 40 years, space stations have modular structures. And taichonauts / kosmonauts / astronauts had no problem governing theirselves even during months. They were professionals, well educated, well prepared. They could behave autonomously.

Astronauts in space station Asgardia will behave differently than Asgardian citizens on the Earth.
Asgardia will have the same modular structure because of necessities at least in the beginning. So it is good no governing and autonomus human groups in the space station. May be they will evolve differently.
Otherwise, if there will be state, there will power elites, and bla bla bla, and war of course.

That is my offer. Please think about it. And read novels.

(October 19th, 2016)

Published in Asgardia internet official forum.